How to Provide Face Painting for your next event

Face painting is a popular activity at children's birthday parties, and it can be a lot of fun for everyone involved. If you're planning on doing face painting at a party, you'll need to gather a few supplies first. This is a guide to provide face painting for any size event, enlist some volunteers and get going!

Here's a list of the supplies you'll need:

  1. Face paint: This is the most important supply, of course. You can find face paint at most craft stores, party supply stores, or online. You'll want to make sure that the paint is specifically designed for use on skin, and that it's non-toxic and hypoallergenic, AVOID OIL BASED PAINTS. Please don’t just buy any face paint kit on Amazon without reading the ingredients. Some tried and true brands that have been around for YEARS are Snazaroo, Wolfe, Silly Farm, Tag, and Paradise. Here are some personal favorite kits:

For a small party I’d go with a Snazaroo Kit that includes brushes and sponges

Pro tip: Use a rainbow cake like this and a wide (1in) flat brush like this to paint instant rainbows. Literally, one swipe across the face, glitter and done.

For larger events where you will have multiple volunteers I’d go with a larger kit and buy any supplemental brushes and sponges you may need.

Try this: OR this:

Going all in with a full sized kit of paint or looking to go pro?? This was my first ever kit back in the day

BONUS! I recently purchased and really enjoyed painting with this set of rainbow cakes, full disclaimer I have never heard of this brand but the packaging claimed to be FDA compliant, paint was smooth and the colors were rich and I did not get a reaction when using.

2. Brushes: You'll need a variety of brushes in different sizes and shapes to create different designs. Look for brushes that are designed specifically for face painting, as they'll be softer and easier to work with. Classic Taklon watercolor brushes are you best bet. One tip from me: you’re going to want to keep one brush to ONLY use with black paint due to the time consuming nature of rinsing black paint out of a brush, you’re also going to want a flat brush if you plan to use the rainbow paint mentioned above:

Link to Brushes:

3. Sponges: Sponges are great for applying base colors quickly and evenly. You'll want to have a few different sizes of sponges on hand, but my favorite are these tear drop shaped ones. They make it easy to stamp on butterfly wings and can still cover large areas of the face. Where as these are more traditional sponges.

If you are going LOW BUDGET you can go to the dollar tree kids section and they have bath sponges that are soft enough for use on the face however, I personally don’t find that they spread paint as well as sponges designed for artists but they do work.

4. Water: You'll need water to moisten the paint and clean your brushes and sponges. You can bring a jug of water with you, or fill up a bowl or basin. A free option would be to have a cup for water and another cup for brushes and leave it at that. As a professional I use an artists basin that can stand my brushes as well as hold water in order to save space on my table.

5. Paper Towels or Baby wipes: You'll want to have a few towels or baby wipes on hand to wipe excess water and paint off your brushes and sponges, and to clean up any spills or messes. Just make sure the wipes are hypoallergenic and FRAGRANCE FREE, to prevent any potential reactions. Sometimes after carefully painting a master piece on a childs face you will get to watch them smear it off with their hands. This is a wonderful opportunity to have some wipes available for the parent :)

6. Mirror: A small hand-held mirror can be helpful for showing children their finished designs. Plastic mirrors from Dollar Tree are great but my favorites are mirrors that stand on their own so that the child can look in the mirror as long as they like and I can keep painting!

7. Design ideas: Depending on your level of experience, you may want to have some design ideas or inspiration on hand. You can find books or online resources with step-by-step instructions for different designs. Youtube videos are also great. I will be making a separate blog post on this. You can also use stencils and use a sponge to dab over the stencil to create the design.

8. Chair and Table: You'll want to have a comfortable chair for children to sit in while they're getting their faces painted.

9. Smock or T shirt: If you're worried about getting paint on your clothes, you may want to wear a smock or apron. If you havent already, consider “Volunteer” T shirts or a “Face Painter” t shirt~!

With these supplies, you'll be ready to create some fun and colorful designs on the faces of party guests. Just remember to take your time, be patient, and have fun!

Happy Painting, Rachel